২ নভে, ২০১৭

JSC Suggestion 2017 English 1st Paper

Seen comprehensions:
  • Nakshi Katha is a…………….(U-1.L-2)
  • Communication of ideas ………(U-9.L-3)
  • The word ‘hygiene`…happy life…..(U-3.L-3)
  • Shamima’s misery……………………..(U-5. L-3)
  • Health is the condition ……………..(U-3 .L-1)
  • River gypsies in………………………..(U-7. L-3)
  • Once upon a time…………………(U-5. L-5)
  • Bangladeshi cuisine …………………(U-1. L-5)
  • A six year old boy…………………….(U-8. L-1)
  • Zara live with………………………..(U-6. L-1)
  • At the farthest corner……………..(U-5.L-3)
  • The ethnic people in…………………(U-1.L-3&4)
Unseen comprehensions:
  • Joynul Abedin was……1976 in Dhaka.
  • The Nobel Prize is….. Inventing X-ray.
  • John Donne was ….prose piece.
  • Begum Rokeya was … in to a deep gripe.
  • The moon is … to the spaceship.
  • The great ship Titanic … been flooded.
  • Mather Teresa … for humanity.
  • Marconi was in … in 1937.
  • Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir.
  • Albert Einstein
  • Ferdousi, the great poet.
  • Jinananda Das was.
  • Rabindranath Tagore.
  • George Washington.
  • Lord Byron Was
Non-Textual Paragraph
  • Tree plantation ***
  • A Book Fair ***
  • A Street hawker/ Beggar.
  • Winter morning
  • A Rickshaw puller.
  • A Farmer/ A Day Labourer
  • A tea Stall.
  • A School Magazine.
  • A school Library.
  • Load Shedding.
  • Rainy Day
  • National flag.
  • Traffic Jam
  • Village Fair
Completing a story
  1. Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a wonderful goose.  —————-.
  2. Once in a very hot day a fox came to a vineyard where he saw some grapes. ——.
  3. There lived a wood cutter in a village. One day he —-.
  4. A farmer had three sons———————————-.
  5. A shepherd/cowboy———————————-.
  6. One summer day, a crow got very thirsty. It searched ——————-
  7. One day a hare met a tortoise on the way. The hare laughed —————-.
  8. One day a lion was sleeping in its cave. A mouse was playing —————-.
  9. Once upon a time, two friends were walking through a forest. They ———–.
  10. Sheikh Saadi ———–.
  11. Robert Bruce ————–.
  12. Unity is Strength.
  13. Dividing the Bread……
  14. A fox without tail—-
  15. A spider inspires a king ….
Writing Informal Letters
  • Congratulating on brilliant success
  • About preparation for the ensuing JSC exam.
  • Describing study tour/picnic.
  • Thanking for hospitality
  • Thanking for sending a wonderful birthday gift.
  • Inviting to attend your birthday party.
  • About your train journey.
  • About your aim in life
  • Advising to be punctual/ serious to studies.
  • About a street accident that you have witnessed.
  • Describing the importance of reading newspaper.
  1. A dialogue between you and your friend about your preparation for the J.S.C examination.
  2. A dialogue between you and your friend about your future plan after the publication of your school.
  3. A dialogue between you and your friend about your plan to spend the summer vacation.
  4. A dialogue between you and your friend about mobile phone.
  5. A dialogue between you and your friend about load shedding water/airpollution/deforestation.
  6. A dialogue between you and your friend about bad sides of illiteracy and how to eradicate it.
  7. A dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life.
  8. A dialogue between doctor and patient.
  9. A dialogue between salesman and customer.
  10. A dialogue between you and your friend about importance of reading newspaper
  11. A dialogue between you and a bank manager to open a bank account.
  12. A dialogue between you and your friend on how to make a good result in the examination..
  13. A dialogue between you and your friend about their plans after the exam.
  14. A dialogue between you and your friend about the danger of smoking.

SSC English 1st Paper Suggestion.

....Paragraph Writing....
01. A Street Hawker
02. Tree Plantation
03. Traffic Jam
04. A School Magazine
05. A Street Accident
06. Environment Pollution
07. A Railway Station
08. Load Shedding

....Completing Story....
01. Unity is strength
02. Dress cannot make a man great
03. A thirsty crow
04. The Lion and the Mouse
05. A liar shepherd
06. Robert Bruce and the Spider
07. An honest wood cutter
08. Two friends and a bear
09. The cruel housemistress

.....Describing Graphs and Charts.....
Based on-
1. Results of different exams
2. Population growth
3. Literacy and illiteracy rate
4. Pastimes / Choice of profession
5. Internet and Facebook users
6. Rate of poverty and health care
7. Students attendance & choice of group.

....Informal Letter & Email.....
01. A letter / An email to your friend thanking for
02. ………. to your friend congratulating him on his
brilliant result.
03. ………. to your friend telling how to improve
04. ………. to your friend describing the importance
of physical Exercise.
05. ………. to your friend telling about your
preparation for the S.S.C. Exam.
06. ………. to your friend describing the Co-Curricular
activities of your school.
07. ………. to your friend describing the benefits of
reading Newspaper.

.....Dialogue Writing....
01. Eradication of illiteracy
02. Preparation for the SSC Exam
03. Importance of learning English
04. Necessity of reading newspaper
05. Necessity of tree Plantation
06. Planning after the SSC Exam
07. Benefits of early rising
08. A customer and a salesman
09. Opening a bank account
10. Necessity of computer learning